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Habit: noun

– an acquired behaviour pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary1


Or as Tony Robbins, world’s #1 life & business strategist, says; “You become what you do most of the time.”Now, of course there are plenty of good habits that an entrepreneur should have… Stephen R. Covey has famously identified ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’.

But what about the bad ones?

Here are seven habits that, although seemingly innocent, can actually hurt your chances of achieving your goals this year.2



sleepHow many times a day do you check your email? More than once? That’s probably too much.

Email tends to be the thing people do when they don’t want to do what they should be doing.

I know you think you need to be in your email throughout the day, but chances are, your addiction results in your putting off the one thing in your life you really should be focused on right now. So, make an effort to reduce the amount of times you check your email.

Habit hack: Set up smart “filtering” criteria, unsubscribe from email newsletters you no longer need to read (maybe using a service like unroll.me), and get people used to your responding just once a day.



social Australians spend one in every five minutes (3.6 hours) a day on social media.3 Let’s be honest: that’s way too much.

Whether your social media habit leads to your stretching your “coffee break” a bit too long, or to a quick status update that turns into 35 minutes of mindless scrolling through your newsfeed, this habit can quickly take over the limited time you have to be productive.

Habit hack: Instal the Facebook Newsfeed Eradicator, this alone should save you several hours per week.



Yes, procrastination is a habit. It’s often much easier to say “tomorrow” than “now.” But the things we procrastinate about are often the very things that most need to be done now.

Habit hack: “Time-block” your most important things to ensure they get done on schedule today, not tomorrow.



Recently a CEO posted an ad for an assistant, with “ability to multitask” the number one quality he listed. What that CEO didn’t realise, though, was that he was looking for someone ineffective simply because multitasking simply doesn’t work!

Instead of accomplishing the most important thing right, a multitasker accomplishes dozens of things poorly. Sure, it feels good to check things off a list, but the quality suffers, the more things you add.

Habit hack: Unless you are talking about chewing gum while walking, stick to one thing at a time and forget the habit of multitasking.



With an estimated 2 million blog posts being written every single day, it’s no wonder that people get sucked into the habit of reading blog posts that are completely irrelevant to the task at hand.

You can start reading a post about becoming a real estate agent, and before you know it, you’re reading about traveling the world for under $1,000. Great content, but irrelevant to the topic you needed to learn more about at that moment!

Habit hack:Habit hack: Instead of reading posts because they are interesting, read posts because they are important for what you are trying to accomplish. Don’t get sucked in by a sneaky headline (i.e., “you’ll never believe #7!”). Instead, set aside time in your day for leisure reading, and focus on moving your business forward.



Remember when ‘binge watching’ wasn’t a thing? Now Netflix, along with other forms television and even the screen in your pocket, is a trap that consumes a huge part of our life.

No-one’s saying watching TV is bad. It’s great for relaxing, but it can easily become a habit that will kick your goal can down the road, perpetually.

Habit hack: Set a limit on how much “screen time” you allow yourself each week, and stick to it. Get an accountability group or partner to help hold you to your goal. Then, use your extra time to work on your most important task.



If you rely on other people to help you grow your business, you’ve probably been guilty of micromanaging more than once.

But, here’s the truth: When you hire the right people, and trust them to get the task done, amazing things happen without your involvement.

True, they may not get the task done the exact same way you would have, but chances are, they will still get done!

Habit hack: Stop spending all your time micromanaging how other people do tasks. Instead, judge the task (and the employee) by the outcome. This will free up hours of time in your day to grow your business.



Our lives are almost completely made up of “habits” that control what we do, when we do it and how it’s done. Those habits can be used for good or used to derail your plans.

It’s up to you to decide which way you want to go.

So, make it your mission this week to kill some of your deadly habits and replace them with habits that will help you accomplish your biggest goals. Then, watch your life become transformed!



1 dictionary. com
2 entrepreneur.com
3 pria.com.au

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