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“I knew then I had a better solution and one where everyone wins.”

E-waste is the fastest growing type of waste entering the earth via landfills and dumps. 2ndLease, a new-model rental company launched by Alex Brown, is helping reduce the waste burden by promoting the reusing of electrical goods that still have a lot to contribute to our lives.

Alex saw the opportunity while cooling his heels after the 2nd redundancy he’d been hit with before 30.

“Sitting in my friend’s apartment shortly after the most recent retrenchment, [I saw] he had a bunch of spare appliances which got me thinking. I realised there I had a few pieces at home, so did my folks and surely many other homes across the country.

“A week later there was a story on ABC about how radio rentals made $95 million from people on welfare, I knew then I had a better solution and one where everyone wins.”

Breaking with the tradition of rental companies offering new goods on fixed terms, new online marketplace 2ndLease invites everyone to join the sharing economy by listing their own goods to be rented for an income, in doing so creating an affordable and flexible new method for households to access essential goods.

2ndLease goods include fridges, washing machines, dryers, televisions and sound systems, and range between $10 and $25 per month. All contracts are on a month-to-month basis (two months minimum) to give customers maximum flexibility.

According to the 2ndLease founder, the new site connects the community with the consumer, whilst also addressing the growing problem of E-waste.

“Our vision is to create a community-based, cost-effective alternative to the existing household appliance rental/purchase options, in the process reducing our landfill burden.”

The platform takes a small percentage of each rental payment as management fee.

But there is more to it than just money

Not only does 2ndLease offer owners of second-hand goods the opportunity to get an income from renting their goods, but charities will also get a piece of the action.

Alex says; “An exciting prospect is the opportunity to work with charities to create a new revenue channel for them, as they often receive many goods and appliances they simply can’t accept or use.

“Owners have the choice between keeping the income or directing it to their favourite charity, who often cannot directly accept electrical goods.

“This is part of the magic of our new online rental community. We are providing a new way for the public to donate to charities by unlocking the value in their un-used goods.”


“We have established great relationships in this area and look forward to announcing some key partnerships soon so stay tuned,” Alex said, “You could say this is my 2nd Lease on life.”


Source: anthillonline.com

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