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File under ‘productivity’. And ‘sanity’. And ‘just feeling a whole lot better’.

We all get those times when life feels jam-packed, and it could be having negative effects – on your health, finances, happiness and more.

A hectic life can be the product of fighting an overwhelming list of seemingly never-ending fires. It all adds up to stress, and a sense of never getting on top of things.

You need space to do what’s really important, and relax enough to simply enjoy yourself. The benefits of an uncluttered life spill over into every area – your social life, your work productivity, your physical and mental well-being and more.

Here’s 5 ways to identify and simplify the clutter in your life

1. Reduce your clutter at home

You might think that you do quite well to define what is useful, useless and anything in-between at home. The reality, though, is we all have a bit of a hoarder in us. You need to bite the bullet in and work through your home – a little at a time. Every item you pick up ask yourself; “Do I really need this item? Have I used it the last year? Could anyone else EVER use it?”

When you systematically cut through the nonsense that fills up your home you can make a genuine difference to your chances of long-term success. Your home should be where you relax and take your mind off clutter and mess, not bring it straight back on!

2. Find out which of your activities are not productive

We all find ourselves wasting a little time every now and then, often a reaction to feeling we have too much going on in our lives. If this sums you up to a T, then you need to start considering the various ways that you can de-clutter your life quickly and easily. If you’re honest, you’ll know what you do regularly that isn’t really productive – or even that enjoyable. Stop doing the frivolous habits and start doing the useful stuff you know you should be doing and you’ll be amazed what you can achieve. It shouldn’t be long before doing what’s important becomes your new, fulfilling and guilt-free habit.

3. Spend time only with people who make you happy

One of the easiest time wasting traps to fall into is to hang around with people who aren’t positive. The company you keep regularly will influence your mood and you could find yourself in a negative spiral that’s difficult to escape. It may seem tough but it could be time to de-clutter by saying ‘no’ to time spent with those who bring you down.

If you want to feel more positive and supportive seek out people who are likeminded. The time you spend with them will feel valuable and will lead to more positive experiences.

4. Reduce your to-do list and get things done

If you find that your “To-Do” list seems to constantly have at least ten things on it, every day can feel like the same old-firefighting again and again. You feel stressed out, nothing gets done efficiently and there seems no end in sight in the long-term.

David Allen, author ‘Getting Things Done’ suggests managing your ‘to-do’s’ by categorising. For each task determine what you can do immediately, within a week or longer timeframe, whether you delegate or if it needs doing at all.

A feeling of control over a ‘de-cluttered’ list gives you a greater ability to focus on and complete each task in a satisfying manner.

5. Set clear goals and follow them without beating around the bush

A lack of definition will kill anyone’s chances of being productive. Generalised goals like; ‘We should go somewhere for a holiday this Christmas” rarely happen. You need set specific goals and define the precise action steps that will make them happen. A clear vision allows you to enjoy the anticipation, and realisation, of a real outcome. De-clutter your life of vague maybe’s and enjoy knowing exactly what you want from life and how you’re going to get it.

Source: lifehack.org

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